
Friday, December 31, 2010

Project 365

As a New Year approaches I'm curious to hear about the experiences of our readers doing Project 365.  I would love to try it, but I'm a little intimidated!  So for those of you out there who've done it, tell me if it was a success or a mess for you!  If you blogged it, leave me a link!  If you are planning to do it, I'd also love to hear that!  If I decide I'm in, I'll post a link here for you in the next few days and we can take the journey together!
Happy New Years!


  1. I can't even imagine keeping up with a 365 project... so much work.

  2. I completed POTD 365 for 2010 and loved it!!!! I will admit that i had to substitue a few days here and there that I forgot, but what I love most about it was that I didn't feel the pressure to scrapbook every little thing. I fill albums and albums with holidays, birthdays, etc that I'm just never caught up. This way I feel caught up for 2010 and I can just scrap the things I want to. I also used my blog which really helped me stay organized and current. Friends and family would constantly remind me when I was lagging behind, so the feeling that others enjoyed seeing my photos also spurred me on. My photography greatly improved because I began to remember to bring my camera along and to take unique shots that I normally wouldn't think about. I'm definitely planning on doing 365 again in 2011! If you would like to see my photos and even the first month of my album pages, check out my blog at I hope you decide to take the journey. I can't recommend it enough.

  3. I tried it last year. I focused on 365 days of weight loss. It was going to be my biggest goal of the year to lose at least 40 lbs and I knew it would take a long time so I wanted to honor my effort. I relied on multiple 2-page sketches that held at least 14 photos, and single page sketches that held seven. The sub-goal was to use up as much of my scrappy stash as possible; which is why I didn't invest in Becky (Something)'s adorable kits.

    I lost the drive to document the daily ins and outs of weight loss some time between March and April. I kept the drive to lose the weight, though. I started to prefer putting more energy into living my life than documenting it.

  4. I did it and loved it. There were some days that it approached midnight and I didn't have a pic but it worked out! My blog is From there are some wonderful blogs that have done it for multiple years! Mine isn't updated (definitely a goal this year) but I have pics all the way through yesterday, just need to post!!

    As hard as it was some days I think it was so worth it. And I'm ready to keep going again next year!

  5. I have to admit I am quite intimidated by it too. I started to do Project 12 last year but kind of stopped when life started getting complicated and stressful. I am going to do that again this year. What I did was make a word document to take notes every couple days, and if I had pictures I made sure to include them in my notes. That way if I can't scrap right away, I still have what I need.

  6. I am planning to do Project 365 this year. I haven't quite come up with a title yet, but I'm thinking along the lines of 365 Days of God's grace in my life. I am going to take daily photos but will probably blog/scrap them weekly. I haven't decided for sure, but I might actually do something digi because I'll be travelling for 3 months this summer. My goals is take pics that show/represent how I see God at worl in the "small things" of my life. I have two blogs, but I'll probably use to post, since my other blog, , is what I use to write about my travels.

    I Scrap almost every day but Project 365 wasn't part of it. I take photos regularly and scrap them. Probably if using updated photos it would be called Project 52 weeks.. not daily photos because I am still scrapping old photos for 6 people plus myself all at once.
    As long as I get to scrap the subjects can be mixed and old and new.

  8. I´ve just started!! Here´s the link and my firt pic is up!

  9. I'm shooting to do Project 12 this year (doing a monthly layout)...that I can handle right now. We'll see how that goes and then maybe I won't be so intimidated to try Project 365 for 2012!

  10. I've just started, will do what I can and not get stressed out!

  11. I am doing 365 Project and my first 2 pictures are up on my Blog at I am finding it a great adventure. I tend to take my camera every where I go and for various reasons, take almost a picture a day anyway. I think it will be fun and an adventure to keep it far so good :)

  12. I did it for 2010 and I am so happy with the results! I am doing it again this year:


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