
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

It's For The Birds!

Those adorable little feathered friends seem to be popping up all over the place on stamps, pattern papers, embossing folders, and more.  Today, we wanted to "TWEET" about our favorite projects from both our design team members and readers.  Which projects ruffle your feathers?

Practical Scrapper Aymee

Practical Scrapper Corinna

Practical Scrapper Brenda B

Doris Widder

Wendy Crowe

**Designer projects are not always linked in our posts, but you can always find their blogs in our sidebar or in the staff tab**


  1. Super adorable pages. I love little birdies and owls. :)

  2. What fabulous projects! I too love birdies!

  3. Cute little birdies! They have popped up everywhere haven't they?!?!

  4. These are fantastic and such inspiration for me since I am new to scrapbooking. :o)


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