
Monday, July 18, 2011

One Layer Cards

One of my favorite things about Practical Scrappers is that we are a place that embraces and showcases all the different styles of papercrafting that we can find.  I love to look at layouts and cards that are totally not my style, but still an incredible piece of art.  Clean and Simple (CAS) has really been exploding in popularity lately.  Today we're going to be showcasing one layer cards (a card that has no additional layers - everything is attached to the original cardstock).  There are no hard and fast rules on this, just a general guideline.  I think you will enjoy seeing that even in this style of card making - it is not always CAS.  I challenged our designers to really give this one a whirl (this was a first attempt for most of them) and here is some of the cards they came up with.

Practical Scrapper Christine

Practical Scrapper Teresa

Practical Scrapper Brenda B created this two cards.

Practical Scrapper Fern created this one using four stamps and a masking technique

Pia created two sets of cards - the first is invitations and the second is another invitation.  Either way her son is going to have some cute invitations!

Practical Scrapper Audrey created these three sets of cards.  Aren't those little feet adorable?

Practical Scrapper Samantha

Practical Scrapper Kerri

**Designer projects are not always linked in our posts, but you can always find their blogs in our sidebar or in the staff tab**


  1. Oh I love how simple, but so beautiful these cards are... Often it is too easy to get caught up in all the bells & whistles! Thanks for the inspiration!!!

  2. they all rock! Love the masking technique!

  3. These are all beautiful! I love how clean line they look. I need to challenge myself to do this.

  4. WOW WOW! how stunning are these cards! totally agree! all tooften do we get caught up in layers, but these cards are just awesome!!

  5. i love that this type of technique really showcases our much neglected stamps!

  6. Audrey's cards are all gorgeous!! LOVFE the tiny feet card- I would totally squeal if I got one of those in the mail from a new Mom in the family. :)


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