We asked you to incorporate something handmade by someone you love on a project. As a mom of two boys in preschool, I have a TON of art projects coming through my door, as well as a mountain of crafts we do together at home. I love the idea of taking photographs of the bulkier projects before they ultimately get recycled, and featuring the flat ones on my pages. Whether the project takes center stage, or works to decorate your page and emphasize your theme, using your children's art on a page just makes sense. As scrapbookers, many of us strive to capture childhood memories for our children, and their artwork captures the essence of that time.
Although children are the main topic of pages for many of us, try also documenting cherished things you have around the house, like Nannie's quilts, a sweater knit for you by Mom, the pie your neighbor dropped off, old postcards or letters, or a project you made and are really fond of. In our age of mass production, and "virtual" everything, it's the unique handmade objects that really warm our hearts, and speak volumes about who we are and love.
Practical Scrapper Christa created this whimsical page using her daughter's colourful handprints as flowers. I just love the multicolored stitching around the border of the page.
Practical Scrapper Michelle records her daughter's writing activities, by including photos along with an actual sample. A beautiful way to preserve this little keepsake.
***Keep reading there's more!***
***Keep reading there's more!***
Reader Dyane used her daughter's artwork as a mat for her photo, and added her own splattered painting to the background to compliment it.
Practical Scrapper Fern features her granddaughter's masterpiece and photo of her creating in this fun art themed page.
Practical Scrapper Erin preserved a mask her son made by giving it a page of it's own.
Happy Tuesday!
These are simply adorable. WTG ladies!