
Monday, October 24, 2011

Frugal Finds: Bread Tags and Ties...who knew?

We're back with our monthly feature where we use something unexpected and cheap on our projects.  This month we used bread tags and ties.  This was my idea and once I got started I wanted to kick myself (wouldn't blame Erin and Kerri if they felt the same way :))  Erin did learn that they fair warning to all of you stay away from your embossing gun with these! All that said I think you'll really enjoy what we came up with and you will definitely be forced to think outside of your normal box!

Erin incorporated them into a nifty storage idea for bakers twine!


 Kerri disguised hers with paint and turned it into a monster.  Think of the possibilities for all sorts of Halloween creatures...your kids would have a blast!

Kerri also covered hers in alcohol ink and used them to create a banner on a card.

We never use up all the ties that come with trash bags, so when I found a whole set of the pretty blue ones in my drawer I grabbed them.  I set them as the backdrop for the black frame.  They give a funky corrugated look with some nice shine to it.

For the last card I wanted to use the bread tags totally raw and see if I could make them work on a card.  It makes for a very graphic, funky feel...but I think it works :)
Pin It **Designer projects are not always linked in our posts, but you can always find their blogs in our sidebar or in the staff tab**


  1. Wonderfully Creative! Love those creations!

  2. WOW, it just shows, you can use anything, love the ideas here, we have the bread thingies, lol, but not the garbage ones, we just get black bags and thats that, those look good too, thanks for this.........:))
    lotsa luv

  3. Wow what an amazing idea, love how youve stored your twine. We dont have these tags on bread much anymore. but I will definitely keep a sharp eye out for them....regardless of what type of bread it is, lol. Lee x

  4. This is a great idea! I actually used the bread tags on a page. After I saw them used on a page about making their own pizza. They used the bread/dough tags and added letters to them. So, since we only have fresh bread from the store come in the house. I had to make a page. Here is the link if you want to check it out!

  5. Great ideas Christine and Kerri! In case anyone is wondering, that's black embossing powder all over my hands!

  6. Some very creative ideas. A few years ago, I actually bought some little tags that were made with these. They had the tag attached to the bottom of the tag then you could kind of clip them on to something on the page, maybe a ribbon or whatnot, or put them on with a brad or some kind of clip.

  7. Oh my gosh, those are great ideas! And to think I just threw a bread tag away:(

  8. Christine, I would never want to kick you :)
    ps to all...the heat gun may not work but a hair dryer does NOT melt them as I found out while drying my acrylic pain in between layers! Happy creating all;)


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