
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

3-D Snowflake Tutorial

Hi everyone!  Fern here with a tutorial on how to make a 3-D snowflake out of med/heavy weight paper...  You can make these any size you want.  They would be great on your tree, hanging in the window, decorating a Christmas package or hanging on the staircase, as you will see I've done.

Materials you will need...
Double sided Pretty Paper..  I used My Mind's Eye ~ Lost & Found Collection

First cut 6 squares.. They can be 3", 4", 5" or 6".. Mine are 6 inches so I used 1 1/2 pages of 12" x 12" paper... This will make a (large)12" snowflake..   Now fold each square and make a triangle... If it doesn't match exactly along the edges... trim it until it does..

Now line the bottom of the triangle along the ruler and make a mark at 1", 2" and 3".  This will not work on the other sizes..  If you use the smaller squares just use your pencil and try to get the strips as even as you can.. 

Now take your ruler and pencil and very lightly draw a line at the 1", 2" and 3" mark as shown below.. 

Now fold it over again to make a smaller triangle..  Don't crease it...

Now cut through all layers on the straight lines you just drew.. but not all the way through...leave about 1/4th inch+/-..

This is what it should look like when you unfold it....  Now do the remaining 5 squares just like this one..

Now turn them all over

This photo actually shows 2 of the squares folded and glued..  For the first one, take the first (smallest) square and bring the tips together and tape/glue.  Then turn your 6" x 6" square over and bring the 2nd square tips together and tape/glue.. See photo below...

Now turn it over and do the same with the next square and turn it again and do the last square the same ...  Should look like this..

Do the remaining 5 the same way... They should all look like this...

Take 3 of  these and put the bottom points on top of each other and staple..  Should look like this..

Now do the same with the other three....  You should have this...

Now take these and put them together where you stapled before, and staple them together.  
  Now glue/tape each section where it meets with the one next to it.. This holds the shape together... 
Now it should look like this..

And here it is on my staircase...

These are really fun to make and I hope you give it a try...

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