
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Time for the Fifth Round of the Layout Contest - We're almost done!

It's round five, we just have one more to go!  You all voted for your favorite layouts and we have those designers showcased today!
This week you can vote for up to 2 designers that you think should advance.  The admin team here will choose one and together we'll present you with the Top 3 next Saturday!  Voting and the layouts for this round will be available from 12:01 a.m. February 11th until February 15th.
A special thanks to our contest sponsors!

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  1. You can vote once a day, right?

  2. once only- for up to 5 layouts from today's list (Saturday).

  3. Hee hee, the blog post date for this is tomorrow!

  4. I'm so excited! I am just loving this contest! I wake up every Saturday to check the blog to see who advances! This is just too much fun!



We appreciate your feedback - thanks for taking the time to comment.