
Monday, May 28, 2012

Machine Stitching on Cards

Good Monday morning fellow scrappers! Today we're featuring Cards with machine stitching. I love the added texture that machine sewing adds to a project. I sometimes break out the machine for a layout, but realized that I don't often think to do it for cards.  Whether you choose a straight, zig zag or decorative stitch,it's a simple thing to do, and really makes an impact.
Check out these beautiful examples: 

Practical Scrapper Caz used her sewing machine to sew on all the layers she used in the card

Practical Scrapper Mary Pat Siehl used the sewing machine to sew around the edges of the card and around the heart.

Practical Scrapper Cathy used her sewing machine to add a decorative border stitch on both cards!

**Designer projects are not always linked in our posts, but you can always find their blogs in our sidebar or in the staff tab**

1 comment:

  1. these are wonderful makes me wish I could stitch on cards!


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