
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Machine Stitching on Layouts

Time for some machine stitching on layouts to follow up our cards from Monday! Check out what our designers have created for you...
Practical Scrapper Caz used her sewing machine to sew down the washi tape to help create 2 halves in this layout

Practical Scrapper Mary Pat Siehl used the sewing machine to create a circle.  She went around a couple of times to give it fun look.

Use contrasting colours of thread and different stiches to draw attention to your focal point and create flow.
By Practical Scrapper Christa 

Practical Scrapper Krissy Clark McKee loves to use her sewing machine and used a variety of stitches on just about anything that moved on her layout, including her picture and across her chipboard alphas. 

**Designer projects are not always linked in our posts, but you can always find their blogs in our sidebar or in the staff tab**


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