
Monday, May 6, 2013

Triangles - Three Sides to Every Layout

Equilateral, Isosceles, Scalene - no, we're not giving a geometry lesson here!  We are talking about one of the hottest new trends showing up on scrapbook pages everywhere.  What are they?  Triangles, of course!  Take a look below to see what our Practical Scrappers are doing with these geometric gems:
Practical Scrapper Mary Pat used a Triangle background to her layout.

Practical Scrapper Wendi Robinson cut out triangles and made a quilt like pattern with added stitching for a focal point on the page
Practical Scrapper Malika Kelly used little triangles to point to her title.

Practical Scrapper Danielle de Konink used papers with a triangle pattern and also used a triangle mask on this layout.
Practical Scrapper Krissy Clark McKee used the leftover triangle scraps from her handmade arrows to create a small border at the bottom of her layout.


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