
Friday, July 12, 2013

Project Life Feature

We are excited to bring our first Project Life feature at Practical Scrappers to you today.  Project Life is crazy popular right now and is a great form of memory keeping.  What makes it so special is that Project Life can be whatever you want it to be!  From weekly 2 page spreads to monthly spreads, physical product or digital, or even just pocket page based scrapbooking, we are excited to share our designers' takes on Project Life.

Here is Practical Scrapper Ruth's PL for Week 25, one of the wonderful things about Project Life is the way it gives you a voice to tell the good and the difficult parts of life. Using a little string to tie closed one section, Ruth has hidden away some of the less happy times so that only those who feel like engaging with that part of the story will open it up to read. 

Practical Scrapper Michelle uses the digital version of Project Life.  She started with the Becky Higgins templates and original kit but has branched out into other filler and journaling cards. She likes things to remain simple and clean.  She feels this makes the process a little faster so she can stay fairly current. 

Practical Scrapper Charissa does her Project Life weekly with a variety of products - includes core and mini kits from Becky Higgins, other Project Life kit clubs, and items from her stash.  Each week is very different in color and design.

Practical Scrapper Kristy is doing a Project Life style book about her recent family trip to Florida.  Here is her cover page for the book, using a single 12x12 photo cut to fit in the Becky Higgins page.

Be looking for more Project Life features in the upcoming weeks!  Thanks for stopping by today!

***Project Life is a system of memory keeping created by Becky Higgins.  You can learn more on her blog.***

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