
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January Sketch

We have been so blessed to have the talented Liz designing our layout sketches for a long time now.  Today we have our last one from her to share with you!  Thank you Liz, you will definitely be missed!

Practical Scrapper Christine

Practical Scrapper Wendi Robinson

Practical Scrapper Lissa Mitchell

Practical Scrapper Patty

Practical Scrapper Jessica Arrant

Practical Scrapper Cathy

Practical Scrapper Kristy MacKeen

Practical Scrapper Alison Day

Practical Scrapper - Lee-Anne Thornton

Practical Scrapper - Kim Ryden

Practical Scrapper Jennifer Haggerty

Want to join in?  Create a layout with this sketch and share it with us here!  We'd love to see it!


We appreciate your feedback - thanks for taking the time to comment.