
Friday, March 14, 2014

Frugal Finds: Elastic Bands

If any of you have kids you know all too well about those little elastic rubber bands from those Rainbow Looms and Crazy Looms that were in every store over the holiday season.  I know my 7 year girl and 9 year old son both had to have one.  There isn't a day that's gone by since Christmas that I have not vacuumed up at least 5 bands because my house is littered with them.  So rather than continue to feed my vacuum why not make some use out of them on your projects. I guarantee, your kids won't miss a single band should you decide to crafty with them like some of our designers did...

Practical Scrapper Lissa used Rainbow Loom bands to create a fun, colorful page border. Learn more at her blog.

Practical Scrapper Kerri created this hidden "gift" card.  She disguised her rainbow friendship bracelet as a 3D rainbow.  Just remove the clusters of clouds and-- Voila! You have an instant bracelet with your card.  You can check out her blog to see a close up of the bracelet.  

Practical Scrapper Leslii used Loom Bands to add more dimension to her layout's background.

Practical Scrapper Erin created interest by adding clusters of bands using her stapler in lieu of confetti or splashes of ink.


  1. What great ideas ladies! That rainbow card is amazing!

  2. Nicely done! My kids missed this fad, but I may have to check them out for ME.


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