
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Layout Sketch

Today is the very last layout sketch for Practical Scrappers. Next Tuesday will be our final regular posting but we will still be hosting our Scrapping Our Stash hops each month.  A big, huge thanks to our loyal fans out there!  Today we have a few layout samples from Lissa, Majken, and Wendi to share with you!

Practical Scrapper Majken Pullin

 Practical Scrapper Wendi Robinson

Practical Scrapper Lissa Mitchell


  1. Wait... Have I missed something? Why is this the "final" layout sketch and why is next week the "final" regular posting? Did I miss an announcement posting about things changing?!? :(

  2. So sorry tish! We posted on our FB page but you know how FB decides things that people see and don't. Check it out - maybe you can join in the blog hops - we are going to keep those going!

  3. Okay, I'll go see if I can find it on FB. Thanks...


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