Saturday, August 1, 2009

Our Design Teams!

Thank you to all of you who applied for our design team-what an incredible pleasure to look thru all the beautiful work! Our design teams for August-December 2009 are as follows:


Jenny B said...

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to get started!!!!

Marjorie said...

Toot Toot!! Thank you!! I know we are going to have a blast working on these layout challenges!

Dawnll said...

Congratulations Ladies !!! there are some really talented people can't wait to see what they come up with.

BrandiLynn said...

THANK YOU!!!!!!! This is gonna be great, cant wait to see everyones.
idea are a flowing :D

Katherine said...

Yippee! Thanks :) I can't wait to see everyone's ideas!

shortywithastory said...

*happy dance*happy dance*happy dance* Woohoo! Thanks so much - I'm so excited & honored to be among such a talented group!

Laurel said...

Woo hoo, doing the happy dance!

Steph said...

Awesome! Congrats everyone!!

Heidi Nicole said...

Thank you so much for this opportunity! I can't wait to see what's in store :o) I'm doing the happy dance too!

Melissa Elsner (Creatividad) said...

Congrats everyone! Can't wait to see what you do!

Anonymous said...

I am so excited. I can't wait. Thanks so much for the opportunity and congrats to everyone!

Brenda said...

THANK YOU so much for this opportunity!! Congratulations to all of the design team members!!

Making Creative Memories in Thyme said...

Thank You!!!! Congratulations ladies! I am thrilled to be working with you all!!!

Jenny said...

This is going to be so fun! CONGRATS ALL!!!! Let's get crafting!

Unknown said...

AWE I was so disappointed not to see my name, but congratulations to all the lucky girls who made it. I hope your challenges are well attended and enjoy yourselves. Hugs Avril xxx