Friday, October 29, 2010

Black and Orange Project Showcase

It's the Friday before Halloween and we have our special theme challenge for the month to showcase for you. The theme of these projects, to use the colors orange and black, but not create a Halloween project. Before we showcase the projects using black and orange, how about for some fun we give you a little history lesson on how the colors black and orange became associated with Halloween.
The colors orange and black can be traced back to the occult. They were connected to the commemorative masses for the dead, which were held in November. The unbleached beeswax candles used in the various ceremonies were orange. The ceremonial caskets were covered in black cloths. And let's not forget the modern-day "Jack O' Lanterns" orange in color.
There are also some that say these two colors are on the opposite energy spectrum. Orange is a very lively and happy color, the color of fall bounty and the warmth of fire. Orange is often called the "social" color, as it creates energy to promote lively conversations and good times in your home. Black, on the other hand, is the color of mystery and void. The color of a space with no beginning and no end Full of energy of mystery and sophistication; black also holds the energy of power and protection. Now put these two energy combinations together you can see why they are a perfect representation of Halloween, a night full of fun and social activity, yet filled with the mystery of not knowing who is going to show up at your door.

Enough history, how about some black and orange fun of our own to share with you. Now these first three projects were created by some of us design team members, but we didn't follow the rules (we like to play tricks). We cannot celebrate Halloween and not have some Halloween layouts to share.


Here's the "real" showcase of the black and orange projects that followed the rules of the challenge. Penny


We hope you enjoyed these great black and orange projects. Don't forget to check out our message board if you haven't had a chance. Some fun swap deadlines are approaching and we wouldn't want you all to miss out on the the fun. Have a safe and happy Halloween weekend--not too much tricking just lots of treating!


Unknown said...

Beautiful examples! When I did my first scan through the post, I wondered why the first few were Halloween. Good thing I went back to read, lol. Thank you for the information on orange and black, too!

Scrappi Sandi said...

Very interesting to read about the history of black & orange's association with Halloween...I'd assumed it was pumpkins & dark night!!! Some wonderful monsters in those Halloween LO's & I love the non-Halloween one's too...especially the Monarch perfect is that photo?!!! Thanks for featuring another of my LO's!!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous work! I love this colour combo, and to know more about the history of the halloween colours was interresting!
Great work ladies!

Sarah said...

brilliant work by everyone xx

Erin Morehouse said...

love the slick way Claude got that photo of me in there! LOL! Great pages!